A Brief History Of The Cristero War

The last few years has seen a stirring eruption of unexpected uprisings around the world as multitudes have asserted their hope for greater individual freedom in places as far-away as Egypt and Libya. Here in the North Americas, the last major people’s uprising was the Cristero War in Mexico, which less than 100 years ago […]

Who’s Who

A Guide to The Real Historical Characters General Gorostieta Played by Andy Garcia: A retired military mastermind who thinks his best days are behind him until he agrees to take command of the Cristero Army — a rough-and-tumble band of renegades he helps turn into impassioned warriors for freedom. Reluctant at first to join the […]

About The Production

Between heaven and earth Between light and dark Between faith and sin lies only heart In an epic portrait of how ordinary people transform when they discover the extraordinary strength that comes from standing up for freedom, FOR GREATER GLORY unfolds one of the most remarkable — and most hidden – stories of war, courage […]

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